Books Illustrated by Mickie Mueller
If you have a collection of witchcraft books there's a good chance that you have books that Mickie Mueller has illustrated. Browse through the list of titles below to see some examples of her work and check the list at the bottom to see which titles you have on your shelf and look for new ones you might like to add.
Sabbat Essentials Series
Interior illustrations by Mickie Mueller
Eight book series
Llewellyn Publications (2015)
No matter what you call them--Beltane or May Day, Samhain or Halloween, Yule or Winter Solstice--the Pagan festivals enrich our lives. This must-have boxed set features an easy-to-use, hands-on book for each of the sabbats. All eight books include rituals, recipes, lore, spells, crafts, correspondences, prayers, meditations, and more. Written by renowned authors, including Diana Rajchel, Deborah Blake, Melanie Marquis, and Kerri Connor, this beautiful collection can be enjoyed again and again as you honor the Wheel of the Year. Ostara Beltane Midsummer Lughnasadh Mabon Samhain Yule Imbolc. Illustrated by Mickie Mueller.

Llewellyn's Sabbats Essentials illustrated by Mickie Mueller

Llewellyn's Sabbats Essentials illustrated by Mickie Mueller

Llewellyn's Sabbats Essentials illustrated by Mickie Mueller

Llewellyn's Sabbats Essentials illustrated by Mickie Mueller